Remote Call Framework 3.4
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 C AnyGeneric container type used to hold arbitrary objects
 C BandwidthQuotaDescribes a unit of bandwidth, to be used by downloads or uploads, for a single connection or a group of connections
 C ByteBuffer
 C CertificateBase class for all RCF certificate classes
 C ClientStubControls the client side of a RCF connection
 C ClientTransportBase class for all client transports
 C EndpointBase class for all network endpoint types
 C ExceptionBase class for all RCF exceptions
 C FileDownloadInfoServer-side information about a file download taking place from a RcfServer
 C FileTransferOptionsClient side options for downloading and uploading files
 C FileTransferProgressDescribes progress of a file download or upload
 C FileUploadInfoServer-side information about a file upload taking place to a RcfServer
 C FutureProvides the ability for remote calls to be executed asynchronously
 C FutureConverterUtility class used by RCF to determine whether a remote call should be performed synchronously or asynchronously
 C GlobalsContains global RCF settings
 C HttpCookieRepresents an HTTP cookie, with a name and value
 C HttpEndpointRepresents a HTTP endpoint
 C HttpMessageVerifierHTTP message verification mechanism, to allow applications to verify HTTP message payloads using custom HTTP headers
 C HttpsEndpointRepresents a HTTPS endpoint
 C I_RcfClientBase class of all RcfClient<> templates
 C IpAddressRepresents an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
 C IpAddressV4Represents an IPv4 IP address
 C IpAddressV6Represents an IPv6 IP address
 C IpClientTransportBase class for IP-based client transports. Provides IP-related functionality
 C IpServerTransportBase class for IP-based server transports. Provides IP-related functionality
 C LogTargetBase class for log targets
 C LogToFileConfigures log output to be directed to a log file
 C LogToFuncConfigures log output to be directed to a user-supplied function
 C LogToStdoutConfigures log output to be directed to standard output
 C NoRemoteAddressIndicates that no remote address is available
 C ObjectPoolManages a cache of objects of various types
 C PemCertificateUse this class to load a certificate from .pem format. Only applicable to OpenSSL
 C PfxCertificateUse this class to load a certificate from .pfx format. Only applicable to Schannel
 C ProxyEndpointRepresents a proxy endpoint
 C PublisherRepresents a single publisher within a RcfServer. To create a publisher, use RcfServer::createPublisher()
 C PublisherBaseBase class of all publishers
 C PublisherParmsGeneral configuration of a publisher
 C RcfInitRCF initialization sentry class. Internally reference counted. Constructor calls RCF::init(). Destructor calls RCF::deinit()
 C RcfServerProvides RCF server-side functionality
 C RcfSessionRepresents a server side session, associated with a client connection
 C RemoteAddressDescribes the network address of a remote peer
 C RemoteCallContext
 C RemoteCallContextImplBase class of RemoteCallContext
 C RemoteCallInfoContains details about the currently executing remote call
 C RemoteCallProgressInfoDescribes the status of a remote call while in progress. See RCF::ClientStub::setRemoteCallProgressCallback()
 C RemoteExceptionRepresents an error that occurs on a RCF server and is transmitted back to the client
 C ServerBindingRepresents the binding of a server-side servant object to a RCF interface
 C ServerTransportBase class for all server transports
 C SspiImpersonatorAllows the server side of a SSPI-based connection to impersonate the client. Only applicable to connections using NTLM, Kerberos or Negotiate transport protocols
 C StoreCertificateRepresents a certificate in a Windows certificate store
 C StoreCertificateIteratorIterates over the certificates in a Windows certificate store
 C SubscriptionRepresents a subscription to a RCF publisher. To create a subscription, use RcfServer::createSubscription()
 C SubscriptionParmsGeneral configuration of a subscription
 C TcpEndpointRepresents a TCP endpoint
 C ThreadPoolRepresents a server-side thread pool
 C UdpEndpointRepresents a UDP endpoint
 C UnixLocalEndpointRepresents a UNIX local socket endpoint. Only available on UNIX platforms
 C VersioningExceptionRepresents a versioning error raised by a server. Allows the server to specify runtime and archive versions
 C Win32CertificateRepresents an in-memory certificate, either from a remote peer or loaded from a local certificate store. Only applicable to Schannel
 C Win32NamedPipeEndpointRepresents a Win32 named pipe endpoint. Only available on Windows platforms
 C Win32NamedPipeImpersonatorAllows the server side of a Win32 named pipe to impersonate the client
 C X509CertificateRepresents an in-memory certificate, usually from a remote peer. Only applicable to OpenSSL
  N SF
 C ArchiveRepresents an archive, in which serialized objects are stored
 C IBinaryStreamInput stream using SF binary serialization
 C IStreamBase class for input streams using SF serialization. Use operator >>() to deserialize objects from the stream
 C OBinaryStreamOutput stream using SF binary serialization
 C OStreamBase class for output streams using SF serialization. Use operator <<() to serialize objects into the stream