Tutorial for the Installation of RCF framework

RCF support and general discussion.
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Tutorial for the Installation of RCF framework

Post by MinnieBrennan »

As known from the description, Remote call framework is a framework designed for the C++ applications.Certain textual guide for the installation of this framework was obtained from the internet source. However it will be really helpful if a video of the installation was provided for the users. Most of the steps regarding the installation of the framework was provided in the guide.But many possible mistakes by the users can be avoided if a video tutorial was available.So kindly provide the video tutorial.Also please specify is there any restriction for the operating system platform for this software.

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Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:53 am

Re: Tutorial for the Installation of RCF framework

Post by jarl »


Did you run into any problems when following the build instructions in the documentation? There are also demo projects in the download, that can help to get you going.

I don't think we will be producing any video tutorials at this time, unfortunately.
Kind Regards

Jarl Lindrud
Delta V Software

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