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RCF Subscription auto reconnect

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 8:54 am
by wmz5858
i'm working currently with version RCF rcf_2.2.0.0
My server updates my clients using publish/subscribe.

if the rcf publish crash or restart,i want the subscribe auto reconnect to the publish.
so i create Subscription and call setOnSubscriptionDisconnect bind a callback.
on the callback function i create a new Subscription object, but i cannot get any message from server.
what's the problem?

-----------------------client test----------------------------------------

RCF_BEGIN(I_PrintService, "I_PrintService")
RCF_METHOD_V1(void, Print, const std::string &)

class PrintService
void Print(const std::string & s)
std::cout << "msg: " << s << std::endl;

void onSubscriptionDisconnected(RCF::RcfSession& session, RCF::SubscriptionPtr& ptr, RCF::RcfServer* pSrv, PrintService* pPrinter, const RCF::TcpEndpoint* pEndPoint)
// Handle subscription disconnection here.
if (ptr != nullptr)
printf("close old ptr \r\n");

RCF::SubscriptionParms subParms;
subParms.setOnSubscriptionDisconnect(boost::bind(&onSubscriptionDisconnected, boost::placeholders::_1, ptr, pSrv, pPrinter, pEndPoint));
ptr = pSrv->createSubscription<I_PrintService>(*pPrinter,subParms);

printf("success create Subscription again {%s}\r\n", ptr->getRcfSessionPtr()->isConnected()?"connected":"not connected");

catch (const RCF::Exception & e)
std::cout << "Error: " << e.getErrorString() << std::endl;

RCF::ThreadPoolPtr const pThrdPool = pSrv->getThreadPool();
RCF::AsioIoService* pIoSrv = pThrdPool->getIoService();
::Sleep(1000 * 5);

pIoSrv->post(boost::bind(&onSubscriptionDisconnected, boost::ref(*((RCF::RcfSession*)0)), ptr, pSrv, pPrinter, pEndPoint));


int main()

RCF::RcfInitDeinit g;
const RCF::TcpEndpoint g_srvAddr("", 50001);
PrintService helloWorld;
RCF::RcfServer subscriptionServer((RCF::TcpEndpoint(-1)));
RCF::SubscriptionPtr ptrSubscription;
onSubscriptionDisconnected(*((RCF::RcfSession*)0), ptrSubscription, &subscriptionServer, &helloWorld, &g_srvAddr);

if (ptrSubscription != nullptr)
return 0;

-----------------------client test----------------------------------------

-----------------------server test----------------------------------------
RCF_BEGIN(I_PrintService, "I_PrintService")
RCF_METHOD_V1(void, Print, const std::string &)
// Server implementation of the I_PrintService RCF interface.
class PrintService
void Print(const std::string & s)
std::cout << "I_PrintService service: " << s << std::endl;

bool onSubscriberConnect(RCF::RcfSession & session, const std::string & topicName)
// Return true to allow access, false otherwise.
// ...
std::cout <<__FUNCTION__<< topicName << std::endl;
return true;

void onSubscriberDisconnect(RCF::RcfSession & session, const std::string & topicName)
// ...
std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << topicName << std::endl;

int main()
RCF::RcfInitDeinit g;
RCF::RcfServer server(RCF::TcpEndpoint("", 50001));
RCF::PublisherParms pubParms;

typedef boost::shared_ptr< RCF::Publisher<I_PrintService> > HelloWorldPublisherPtr;
HelloWorldPublisherPtr pubPtr = server.createPublisher<I_PrintService>(pubParms);
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
::Sleep(1000 * 3);
pubPtr->publish().Print("Hello World--------->");

catch (const RCF::Exception & e)
std::cout << "Error: " << e.getErrorString() << std::endl;

return 0;
-----------------------server test----------------------------------------

Re: RCF Subscription auto reconnect

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:51 am
by jarl

It looks like there is a problem with how you are binding parameters with boost::bind. When you bind like this:

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boost::bind(&onSubscriptionDisconnected, boost::placeholders::_1, ptr, pSrv, pPrinter, pEndPoint)
, onSubscriptionDisconnected() will get a copy of ptr, not a reference to it. If you want to pass a reference you need to use boost::ref, like this:

Code: Select all

boost::bind(&onSubscriptionDisconnected, boost::placeholders::_1, boost::ref(ptr), pSrv, pPrinter, pEndPoint)

Re: RCF Subscription auto reconnect

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:34 am
by wmz5858
Thank you for the help
That’s the problem.