Identify the client from the server side.

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Identify the client from the server side.

Post by jponnoua »


I have one function on the server side that needs to know a caller identifier. Depending of the client who is calling this function, the result will differ. Is there a way to identify the client, from a function located in the server side ?

By the way, is there a way to know all the clients connected to the server, from the server side ?

Best regards,


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Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:53 am

Re: Identify the client from the server side.

Post by jarl »

jponnoua wrote:
I have one function on the server side that needs to know a caller identifier. Depending of the client who is calling this function, the result will differ. Is there a way to identify the client, from a function located in the server side ?
When the client connects, you can have them pass a client-specific id to the server, and store that in the server session using RcfSession::setUserData(). You can subsequently retrieve it with RcfSession::getUserData().
jponnoua wrote:
By the way, is there a way to know all the clients connected to the server, from the server side ?
You can use RcfServer::enumerateSessions(), to iterate over all current server sessions.
Kind Regards

Jarl Lindrud
Delta V Software

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