We're using RCF::FileDownload to do file transfer, and it appears to work well for our purpose. However, we encounter problems when downloading large files (size > 2 Gb) on Windows (our code is in 64-bit).
The symptom we're seeing is that file transfer stops when the number of bytes transferred is about 2 G.
When the debug build of the program does the transfer, there's an assert in RCF from inside FileIoRequest::doTransfer() as the file becomes larger than 2 Gb.
Looking at the variable values in the debugger, it appears that type casts such as
Code: Select all
boost::uint64_t pos1 = mFoutPtr->tellp()
We've modified RCF locally to deal with the issue, but we're hoping that there will be an official fix if this is indeed a problem in RCF.